Kindergarten Honeybees: November 13 - 17, 2023

Greetings, Honeybee Families,

Being together and sharing a meal at our Thanksgiving Luncheon was wonderful. The children worked hard raking pathways and preparing our classroom for our special gathering. They were excited to have their beloved family members join us in our forest space. We are grateful to have our lovely community! 

The week before the November holiday was spent raking leaves, building new pathways, and making giant leaf piles! The students enjoyed assembling the rakes themselves, which helped them take ownership of their work raking the leaves. The students were also inspired to build a new fort. The children used all the big sticks they could find in our space, so we explored new territory near our forest classroom. Farther along our forest path, there is a magical pine forest where the ground is covered in pine straw, and the trees are evenly spaced. The children were delighted to run in this new space. They collected large tree branches and limbs and carried them back to our forest area. 

In and among forest play, the students rolled beeswax candles for our upcoming birthdays. Yarn balls were also rolled, and colorful yarn pompoms were made by wrapping the yarn around the width of their palm, sliding it off, and tying a knot in the center. The students then cut the loops on each end, forming a pompom. It’s always a joy to see their faces as they watch the transformation take place before them! 

On Thursday, the students put on a play of The Enormous Turnip story; it was delightful! One of the students played the part of the turnip that was stuck fast in the ground. One by one, the farmer called his wife, horse, cat, dog, and all their farm friends to help pull out the turnip. Finally, the enormous turnip was unearthed, and they had to work together to roll it back home. 

On Friday, we celebrated our dear Millie’s birthday. We enjoyed hearing the sweet memories from her childhood and having the company of her family with us. Happy birthday, Millie! 

Announcement and Reminders:

  • Rest blankets were sent home before break; please wash and return them to school.

  • Please send coats, hats, and gloves every day, and dress in layers!

  • We need Greenery for the Winter Spiral. Please consider asking for extra clipping from tree lots or donating trimmings from pruned evergreens in your yard. Greenery can be left alongside the fence in the field area.  Thank you! 

Upcoming Events:

  • 12/02 Prospective Family Open House: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

  • 12/07 Grades 1st - 5th Winter Spiral 

  • 12/08 Kindergarten Winter Spiral

  • 12/20 Grades Assembly - 12:00 p.m. & Last Day of Fall Semester - Half Day

  • 12/21 Teacher In-Service (No School)

  • 12/22 - 01/03 Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/04 First day of Spring Semester

Thank you for sharing your children with us and for all that you do.

Peace & Light,

Ki Fatima