Fourth & Fifth Grade: December 11 - 15, 2023

Dear Fourth and Fifth Grade Families,

This past week, the class was immersed in a short Math Block. The students explored the process of long division. Step by step, they practiced dividing three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. We took this time to deepen our understanding of the process behind the algorithm used to solve division math questions. In this way, the students do more than memorize the steps. They understand the "why" behind the process of long division. 

To understand the process better, the students imagined dividing a certain number of hundred, ten, and one dollar bills between a set number of people using a variety of word problems. Generally, long division starts from the left and goes to the right, starting with dividing the digit with the highest place value. Long division is often more challenging than in the following example: 462/2=231.  Here, with the base-10 system in mind, each of the 2 persons gets 2 hundred dollar bills, 3 ten dollar bills, and 1 one dollar bill. When using money sometimes, though, one hundred dollar bills have to be changed into ten dollar bills, and ten dollar bills have to be changed into one dollar bills to divide the money evenly. And sometimes, one or more dollar bills will be left that cannot further be divided. The students looked at these scenarios and practiced working with them. Long division and vertical multiplication will be a regular part of our daily math practice next semester. 

The class has also started reading a new class reader, The Golden Goblet, by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. The story of this book takes place in ancient Egypt. Along with The Golden Bull: A Mesopotamian Adventure by Marjorie Cowley, the book is a perfect segway into the study of ancient civilizations next semester.

Thank you to all the parents who made today's end of semester party possible. We hope to see you all tomorrow at the Grades Assembly and wish all families Happy Holidays! Finally, we wish our dear friend, Quentin, all the best on his new educational journey. 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Have a wonderful Winter Break!  

  • Please remember to clean out and repack backpacks and check that rainboots still fit before the new semester. 

  • Winter coats are required daily.

Upcoming Events:

  • 12/20 Grades Assembly - 11:45 a.m. & Last Day of Fall Semester - Half Day

  • 12/21 - 01/03 Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/04 First day of Spring Semester

Warm regards,

Ki Gaby