Kindergarten Honeybees: December 11 - 15, 2023

Greetings Honeybee Families,

Last week, the students were delighted to see the ice crystals that covered our table tops! They drew many beautiful crystally pictures on the tables. The class also discovered pockets of ice in our forest, again setting the fun for wintery play. Upon visiting the farm, we spotted ducks swimming and chasing each other in the pond. While at our platform, a little bird flew back and forth while we ate lunch, appearing to look for a space to roost. All these special and real moments of watching nature’s beauty unfold before us are a gift to witness. 

In handwork, the children used a needle and twine to string a garland of cranberries, apples, and orange slices. This fragrant activity was also a great exercise to help develop fine motor skills. Cranberries were challenging to string, and we had to direct the needle in the center so as to try not to break them in half. Decorating our classroom with our projects is a way of taking ownership and care of our space and adding some color and warmth to it during this season. Some students have also finished sewing their treasure pouch and will soon move on to our next project- a star child! This project fits in with our Star Child story about a boy with a very generous heart who gives away everything to the ones in need he encounters. When he, himself, stands alone with nothing left in the world, a magical turn of events occurs as the stars make a cloak around him, and his every want and wish is answered.  

On Wednesday, we celebrated the sixth birthdays of both Henry and Archie. It was a joy for us to hear stories of their childhood. The children were in wonder as we lit two candles during our birthday story instead of our usual one! 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Please continue to work on independent dressing and personal care (hand washing, nose wiping, etc) over the break. Students wash dishes, fold towels, and take care of their belongings at school each day. Continuing to have small tasks to maintain that feeling of independence and responsibility at home is helpful, too!

  • Please replenish backpacks upon returning to school. Ensure a change of clothes complete with pants, long sleeves, socks, and underwear are in their backpacks.

Upcoming Events:

  • 12/20 Grades Assembly - 11:45 a.m. & Last Day of Fall Semester - Half Day

  • 12/21 - 01/03 Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/04 First day of Spring Semester

As always, thank you for sharing your precious children with us and for being part of our community. We had a lovely fall semester and look forward to coming back together in the new year. We wish you all a warm, cozy, and festive time with your family!

Peace and Light,

Ki Fatima