Dear Third Grade Families,
Last week, we continued our block on fibers. We wrapped up cotton and linen by having a stuffie fashion show. Each student had taken home a piece of cotton fabric. They were to create some garments for a stuffed animal. The students were so creative, fashioning gloves, hats, masks, capes, and pants for their animals. We then made a runway where each student took turns showing their creation, explaining how and why they made it. It was wonderful to see all the creativity in our class! We even had a student make herself a piece of clothing that she wore to school. The students also discussed how time-consuming and challenging making clothes by hand is and why purchasing something made by hand can be expensive.
Next, we moved on to learning all about wool. The class spent extra time focusing on this fiber. Ki Ieva brings a full experience to the students as they experience the various stages this material goes through to become a fiber usable by humans. On Tuesday, the students washed wool with soap and warm water. They were surprised at how dirty the water was every time they dipped the wool in to wash and how many times they had to change the water. The wool was then dried, and the next day, the students carded it. They were able to experience the difference in color, texture, and even smell before wool was processed. Next, the students will use the wool they cleaned and carded to make thread with a drop spindle. This block has truly engaged the class with how we use the natural world and the materials that it provides us to be able to keep ourselves warm, cool, and covered. This week, they will continue to learn about wool, and they will finish the week by learning about types of wool, such as angora, cashmere, camel, and alpaca.
Our silkworms continue to grow and thrive, and the class is excited to see that they are slowly but surely spinning silk in their habitat.
In addition to our fiber lessons, our class continues to work daily on math facts, journal writing, and phonics. Journaling has become an important part of our class as students are able to express deeper feelings and thoughts through writing. They are developing critical thinking skills as they truly stop and think about a question and about their answer.
Thank you to those who helped set up the Winter Spiral! It was a beautiful event that the students will truly treasure.
Announcements and Reminders:
Help us support Tweens and Teens this year for the MUST Ministries Toy Drive. Please see the Main Message in the Garden Messanger for more information.
Please continue to send water-resistant heavy coats, hats, gloves, snow pants or rain pants, and insulated boots daily. Please also continue to dress your child in layers. Wool socks are highly recommended on days under 45 degrees.
Upcoming Events:
12/19 Class End-of-Semester Pajama Party
12/20 Grades Assembly - 12:00 p.m. & Last Day of Fall Semester - Half Day
12/21 Teacher In-Service (No School)
12/22 - 01/03 Winter Break (No School)
01/04 First day of Spring Semester
With Gratitude,