Joyful Beginnings: January 22 - 26, 2024

Dear Joyful Beginnings Families,

We had a lovely week in our classroom. Earlier in the week, the children had a joyful time playing in the drizzly rain. Their favorite games to play in the forest have been Ring Around the Roses and Hide and Seek. Later in the week, the children had much fun jumping in the muddy puddles. It was a delight to see them running, laughing, and exploring in nature.

We began our new circle by singing the song “See the Dragon Comes." A new stuffy friend, Fireball the Dragon, came to visit our class. Each child had a chance to hug Fireball and observe how special he looked. During art time, we colored with block crayons. The children fully immersed themselves in creating unique pictures of their own. They communicated with each other about what they were making, and they were excited to see their friends’ creations. Meanwhile, they exchanged crayons for different colors and practiced sharing with each other. On Friday, we celebrated Ripley’s birthday. We were grateful that her mommy, daddy, and sister came to join us for story and snack time. Thank you so much for sharing a delicious treat with us! Happy Birthday!

Thank you for voting on our classroom auction project. The chandelier won the most votes. From this week on, we will bring the wet-felting handwork into our classroom. We will start to teach the children how to roll a piece of wool in their hands and slowly work on teaching them to create wet-felt balls.

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Please arrive on time at drop-off (8:45–9:00), and look out for the drop-off sign when arriving at school. On cold, rainy, cloudy, and windy mornings, we will start inside.

  • The first Community Work Day of the Spring Semester is on Saturday, February 3rd, from 10:00 - 12:00. Please come if you are able, and add to your volunteer hours! Children are welcome, and there are typically both indoor and outdoor tasks available.

  • Please also plan to join us for the All School Meeting following the work day at 12:30. A soup lunch will be served at noon, and the meeting should be around an hour to an hour and a half long. The meeting is a grownups-only event.

  • We will have spring conferences on Thursday afternoon, February 8th, and Friday, February 9th. Please sign up here. I am looking forward to meeting with you. Thank you!

Upcoming Events:

  • 2/3 First Grade Risers Informational Meeting - 11:15 a.m.

  • 2/3 Community Work Day 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  • 2/3 All School Meeting 12:30 p.m.

  • 2/8 Half Day - Parent Conferences

  • 2/9 No School - Parent Conferences

  • 2/19-2/23- Mid-Winter Break (No School)

  • 2/26- Teacher Inservice (No School)

Thank you for sharing your lovely children with us, and thank you for your support.


Ki Siyu and Ki Angela