Sixth Grade: January 29 - February 2, 2024

Dear Sixth Grade Families,

Thank you for attending the All School Meeting on Saturday. It was a lovely day to gather together. We are grateful for your support of our school and community.

This past week, the Sixth Grade class continued their study of Biomes Around the World and learned about four cycles essential to life on the earth: water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. Taking notes during class discussion gave rise to a five-paragraph essay collectively written and added to our main lesson books describing the water cycle. The students then heard about the carbon cycle and its complement, the oxygen cycle, and how these cycles support plant and animal life. Each student then wrote a summary based on their notes and the discussion in class. We ended the week writing about the nitrogen cycle and will learn more about it next week before beginning to hear overviews for a variety of biomes. Additionally, we had a check-in for the first paragraph of our research papers, which are being researched and written at home. 

In Math, we are wrapping up a few additional constructions of geometry in nature through a sixteen division of a circle. Additionally, we are working on solidifying protractor skills.

Thank you for helping your children send their emails for Cyber Civics. The class enjoyed hearing everyone’s jokes! They each were given a printout of their email so they could see how it looked when received. They were then tasked with editing and correcting any errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. We reviewed email etiquette and discussed the difference between email, texting, and video call/conference etiquette. As always, these Cyber Civics discussions give rise to wonderful insights for the students about the online platforms that will one day be a part of their daily lives.

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Please remember to help your child practice their typing skills at least 4x a week! 

  • Thursday is HALF-DAY DISMISSAL (12:15 - 12:30).

  • Teacher Conferences are this February 8th and 9th. Please sign up for your child’s conference here.

  • As has been our tradition at The Garden School, instead of sending cards from home on Valentine's Day, please save all card and gift exchanges for off-campus playdates.

Upcoming Events:

  • 2/8 Half Day - Parent Conferences

  • 2/9 No School - Parent Conferences

  • 2/19-2/23- Mid-Winter Break (No School)

  • 2/26- Teacher Inservice (No School)

With Gratitude,

Ki Melissa and Ki Lesley