Joyful Beginnings: February 12 - 16, 2024

Dear Joyful Beginnings Families,

We hope you had a fabulous mid-winter break! We are excited to see all the children return with big smiles and fun stories. 

Before the break, we had a wonderful time in the Joyful class. In the forest, the children enjoyed the sun shining through the branches and listening to the birds singing. We saw many robins flying around our campus. As our new circle song is about a little robin friend, every child started to show interest in robins. Some of the children loved to lie down on the platform to watch the robins fly back and forth.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the children brought their favorite plush toys to school. They shared these toys with friends and gave them many hugs. The children pretended to take their stuffed friends on a walk, have a picnic with them, put them to sleep, and also read them a book. It was wonderful to observe these loving moments. 

Our Valentine’s story was about a magical village full of sweet little gnomes. They planted special seeds in the ground and were surprised that these seeds had grown into beautiful and soft hearts. The gnomes shared these hearts with one another, and they fell asleep on these amazing heart pillows. The fairy dust of magical dreams came over their village and covered the whole town with hearts and love. The children enjoyed this story and were surprised that these sweet gnomes shared some heart necklaces with them, too. 

This week, we will begin a fresh story about a very hungry bunny and continue with wet felting to help complete our auction project. Thank you so much for helping make more wet-felt balls with the children at home. On Friday, we will celebrate Sage’s birthday! We are excited to spend this special day with Sage and her family. 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • The weather is still cold in the morning but quickly warms up. Please pack a lighter jacket in your children's backpacks so that we can assist them dress appropriately for the temperature. Thank you!

  • Cold and flu season is still upon us. If your child has a fever, green mucus from the nose, a productive cough, vomiting, or diarrhea, please keep them home until these symptoms have been resolved for at least 24 hours. 

Upcoming Events:

  • 03/09: Community Work Day

  • 03/15: Teacher in Service (No School)

  • 03/27-03/29: School Photos

Thank you for sharing your lovely children with us, and thank you for your support.


Ki Siyu and Ki Angela