Sixth Grade: March 18 - 22, 2024

Dear Sixth Grade Families,

The Sixth Grade class finished the Middle Ages block with lessons on the Crusades, Charles the Great (Charlemagne), the Medieval Industrial Revolution, and the Black Death. Through story and discussion, the class learned about the life of Charlemagne and the influence he held over Europe during his reign. They heard about inventions during the Middle Ages, specifically the water wheel, as they have been in the process of building one with Mr. Matan and the Fourth and Fifth Grade class this school year. We ended the week with the end of the Medieval era, hearing about the Bubonic Plague and its effect on society at that time.

The class has kept busy beyond the main lesson as well! Each morning began with math review work. The students reviewed decimals and money simultaneously using multi-digit addition and subtraction. We also reviewed multi-digit multiplication and long division. For Literature Circles, the students are divided into four different groups and are reading books with a Middle Ages theme. The class reviewed and expanded their understanding of the protagonist and antagonist, learning that one is not always the “good guy” and the other the “bad guy”; an author just might surprise you. The class also reviewed the setting of a story and, based on the completion of their first reading assignment, made a list of what life was like in the Middle Ages, given the information shared in their books. The students also practiced singing and juggling for other classes, helping them adjust to having an audience in front of them. Please keep practicing at home; several students have improved greatly thanks to home practice!

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Please remember to help your child practice their typing skills at least 4x a week! 

  • Practice juggling!

  • Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots)

  • If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.

Upcoming Events:

  • 3/27-3/28: School Photos

  • 3/29: Grandfriends Day (Half Day All School Dismissal)

  • 4/1-4/5: Spring Break (No School)

  • 4/8: No School: Solar Eclipse

  • 4/23-4/25:5th Grade Pentathlon

  • 4/26: Annual Auction Fundraiser - Half Day

With Gratitude,

Ki Melissa and Ki Lesley