Kindergarten Turtles: April 8 - 12, 2024

Greetings, Turtle Families,

We had a wonderful week in our outdoor classroom.  It was rainy at times, but Spring has truly arrived.  Our kale, Swiss chard, and gladiolas started growing over the break, and it is exciting to see them get bigger each day! 

The children felted soap this week.  We wrapped a bar of soap in wool roving, fluffing it out and wrapping it one way and then the other until we couldn’t see any soap through the fluffy wool.  Then, we poured hot water on it until the fiber was very wet.  Next, the children turned the bar in their hands, rubbing each side over and over again until the wool felted, conforming to the shape of the bar.  The children enjoyed this activity as their hands got super sudsy, and they could smell the clean fragrance of the soap. They each brought their bar home in a Ziplock bag.  These bars can be used at bath time or for hand washing; just sit them somewhere they can dry between each use.

Mr. Matan visited our class on Wednesday with a project. The children worked with him to saw logs into segments.  They used the hand drill to make holes in some of the segments. It is exciting to use the hand tools and do purposeful work.  The children’s pride was evident, and a few of them were eager to keep working even when we had to transition to another part of our day.  We will continue working on this project over the coming weeks.  

Another favorite song from our new circle is My Lady Spring.  Already, we hear the children humming and singing it as they play.

My Lady Spring is dressed in green.

She wears a primrose crown,

And little baby buds and twigs are clinging to her gown.

The sun shines if she laughs at all

And when she weeps, the raindrops fall.

My Lady Spring, My Lady Spring, My Lady Spring

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Please continue to dress your children in layers every day. The forest is cooler, especially when it is damp or cloudy. An expected temperature in the 60s and even lower 70s feels significantly different in different conditions, and we cannot predict what layers will feel most comfortable. Additionally, students must have full rain gear and rain boots every day. The outdoor classroom remains wet for several days after rain.

  • Insects are making their return! Please begin sending insect repellant in backpacks.

  • Please send close-toed, hard-soled shoes for Creekcess.

Upcoming Events:

  • 4/23 Third Grade class play

  • 4/23-4/25 Fifth Grade Pentathlon

  • 4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser and Half-day

  • 4/27 Community Work Day 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  • 4/30 First Grade class play

  • 5/01 Second Grade class play

Thank you for sharing your children with us and for being a part of our community.

Grace and Peace,

Ki Kim