Fourth and Fifth Grade: March 25 - 29, 2024

Dear Fourth and Fifth-Grade Families,

I hope you all had a relaxing spring break and had an opportunity to witness the solar eclipse with your families. In the week leading up to the break, the class worked hard on producing the play Perseus the Brave, which they performed twice on Wednesday, March 17. All the students did a tremendous job performing together on stage. Not only did they all remember so many lines, but they also followed all stage directions for moving across the stage. Our first practice on the stage in the sanctuary was for the dress rehearsal on the performance day. They rose to the logistical challenge of optimizing the movements from scene to scene. The students quickly figured out a way to make all the scenes work. It took a lot of teamwork between the students, and they can be proud of their accomplishments. Thank you to all the parents who helped to prepare the stage and clean up the sanctuary after the play. Thank you also to all families for their contributions to the cast party. The students truly deserved to be recognized for their excellent performance. Thank you also to all who came for Grandfriends Tea on the last day of school before the break. It was a pleasure to come together and see the grade students sing and juggle on the stage.

For our next block, we will now be looking at Ancient Egypt. At the same time, the 5th graders are getting ready for their pentathlon trip. The students will be preparing for the games, polishing their odes to the Greek gods, practicing the Olympic oath, and preparing a skit to perform at the pentathlon. 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots)

  • If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.

Upcoming Events:

  • 4/12 Student picture make-up day

  • 4/23 Third Grade Class Play

  • 4/24 Second Grade Class Play

  • 4/23-4/25 5th Grade Pentathlon

  • 4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser - Half Day

  • 4/27 Community Work Day 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • 4/30 First Grade Play

Warm regards,

Ki Gaby