First Grade: April 8 - 12, 2024

Hello, First Grade Families, 

Last week, we continued rehearsing for our class play, The King’s Advisors. Each morning, the children draw a different character to perform. They have enjoyed jumping into the different personas ranging from the moody King to the cartwheeling Multiplication. The students are also creating a book to accompany the play. Their reading skills and writing skills are developing as they begin writing sentences in their books. 

For our auction project, the children helped by cleaning the grout off the mosaic pieces. They scrubbed each tile clear and picked away at the larger pieces, making sure that each tile was smooth and ready for assembly onto our mirror. The mirror will be fully assembled this week, so look forward to pictures of the finished project.

This week, we will continue rehearsing our play as we dive deeper into the personalities of each character. We will spend time as a whole group acting out each character and creating illustrations and paintings to complement their personalities. Please continue reading the play with your child at home to help them gain confidence for their performance on May first.  This week, we will also work on our recycling project now that we have acquired a blender, which will allow us to turn our paper into pulp. 

Announcements and Reminders

  • Please continue to dress your children in layers every day. It is ok to provide layers in their backpack if they feel too warm in the morning. The forest is cooler, especially when it is damp or cloudy. An expected temperature in the 60s and even lower 70s feels significantly different in different conditions, and we cannot easily predict what layers will feel most comfortable. As a rule, students should always have lighter and thicker pants, short and long-sleeved shirts, and a sweatshirt or light jacket. Additionally, students must have full rain gear and rain boots every day. The outdoor classroom remains wet for several days after rain.

  • Please ensure your children eat a filling breakfast daily that will sustain them until snack time at 10:30 a.m.

  • Insects are making their return! Please begin sending insect repellant in backpacks.

Upcoming Events:

  • 4/23 Third Grade class play

  • 4/23-4/25 Fifth Grade Pentathlon

  • 4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser and Half-day

  • 4/27 Community Work Day 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  • 4/30 First Grade class play

  • 5/01 Second Grade class play

Warm regards,
