Kindergarten Turtles: March 4 - 8, 2024

Greetings, Turtle Families,

Thank you for coming out for the Workday hosted by the Turtle class.  It was so nice to work alongside so many Turtle families.  Your families are such an important part of our school community, and we appreciate you taking the time and energy to help our school!

The children had a fun and muddy week in the forest.  There was plenty of rainwater to mix in with the dirt to make lots and lots of mud.  The children used the mud to create many mud kitchen items. They used mud to paint the trucks, the stumps, and the wheelbarrow; and to make big piles of dirt that were added to their forts and obstacle courses. The mud and water are a beneficial sensory experience for the students.

On the platform, the students made cards to send home.  The children drew, wrote, cut, and glued to create beautiful cards.  Then, they helped address them; some students even knew their home addresses.  Each child placed their card in the addressed envelope and sealed it.  Finally, each student put a stamp in the top right corner of the envelope. When the envelopes were ready for the mail, we took a walk to the mailbox, and everyone had a turn putting their card in the mailbox.  The last child raised the red flag so the postman would know there was mail inside.  It will be so exciting when you open the mailbox at home to find these special envelopes inside!  

On Thursday, we celebrated Finley’s 6th birthday.  Finley’s Mom and Dad visited our class and shared fun memories from each year of her life.  Classmates, teachers, and her parents shared a wish for the coming year.  Happy Birthday, Finley!

Announcements and Reminders: 

  • Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots)

  • If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.

Upcoming Events:

  • 3/15: Teacher In-Service (No School)

  • 3/27-29: School Photos

  • 3/29: Grandfriends Day (12:30 All School Dismissal)

  • 4/1-4/5 Spring Break (No School)

  • 4/23-4/25 5th Grade Pentathlon

  • 4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser - Half Day

Grace and Peace,

Ki Kim

Kingdom of Halloween 2023

A special thank you to Ayla Burt for wonderfully capturing Kingdom of Halloween for us. You can view and download the pictures here. The download code is 3434.

Kingdom of Halloween

Dear Garden School Families:

The community is excited about the return of our much beloved and truly magical festival: Kingdom of Halloween!

October 29th is a BIG day for our school and our community!  Making this a successful event requires volunteers to help from across the school community, including all faculty, staff, and families.  This year, every class will be responsible for running a craft or food table.  Table assignments have been made by class and each class will receive a thorough set of instructions on how to organize, and execute their assigned task.  All families are asked to find volunteer slots in their child(rens) class that they can fulfill for this event.  

Within each class, it will be important to ensure that volunteer slots are all filled and that your craft (or food table) is fully staffed for the duration of the event, from set-up to clean-up.  It will be most effective if a parent within each class offers to head up their class assignment so there is a clear point person.  Please let your class rep know immediately if you can lead your class table.

Each class will have lots of support and guidance!  Ki Brooke and Ki Ieva have been busy ensuring your roles are clear, and your supplies are organized.  They are available to help at any time in the process and we encourage your class to lean on them for support.  We are ready to go!

There will be an individual sign-up genius for each class with the volunteer shifts and opportunities outlined.  Families with multiple children are asked to sign up for each class as much as possible. 

More information is forthcoming, so be on the lookout.  We understand there will be questions.  Please email all inquiries to your class reps and with their help, we will get information back to the community as quickly and effectively as possible.  Thank you for your patience as we further develop and facilitate this event again after several years!

Happy Kingdom of Halloween!