Upper Grades: December 16 - 19

We made it! We were able to push through and accomplish both work and fun this week. We continued working on geometric forms, bringing them to life in three dimensions with some seasonal crafts. I hope the students brought home their creations. They made some lovely pieces. 

We have started preparing our class play. We have done a couple of read throughs of the script and worked out the casting. During the break, I am tasking the children with memorizing lines. This play relies on physical comedy and word play, and prompt memorization of lines will by key to delivering a show that shines. I'm hoping to schedule our parent performance the week before February break. I will notify you when our date is confirmed. 

The students' handwork projects were sent home with them. The handwork teachers have asked them to work on their sock knitting during the break. They should knit the cuff and length they desire for their sock and stop where the heel will start. 

I decided not to assign geometry homework during the break. We made good progress during the block, and I'm pleased with how much material we covered. They still have a book to read and their lines to memorize. 

Enjoy the break and time with your families!