First Grade: August 12 - 16

Hello first grade families!

We have now officially finished our first week of school. I have told stories such as Hans My Hedgehog and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The students have worked diligently at creating their pictures to go with their stories and that tie into our form drawings. We have worked on posture, holding the crayon correctly, and building up the stamina needed for standing during the main lesson.

They have started their specials with Mandarin, Spanish, and even environmental education. The children have moved into what is expected from them while they were in kindergarten to what is now expected from them in their first grade year.

We will continue to move through our form drawings as the children get to the hear the stories from Grimm and other fairy tales from around the world.


Moving forward with next week we will only be in the creek on Fridays.

Please give gentle reminders to your child about talking about things in the media. I have had to give constant reminders to the children about not singing songs from movies or talking about movies/ television shows. If you need help with finding other activities for your child to do, that is media free, please feel free to email me.

Thank you,

Ki Aja