Fourth & Fifth: October 12 - 15

We have enjoyed being outdoors during our Botany block, and spent quite a bit of time finding mushrooms, algae ( AKA pond scum), and lichens on the campus.  Next week we will go to the woods again and look for different varieties of moss.  Once we have discussed moss, we will begin to build our terrariums!  The terrariums will come home next Friday with directions for how to maintain them.  

This week the weather will be relatively mild again, so please make sure your child is wearing layers of clothing.  We all started with sweaters and jackets every morning this week, and then shed the jackets, usually when we went up to run and practice the long jump.  The whole class is improving their running form and they are jumping a few inches further each day.  I love watching them grow!!

While the timed math sheets are not the favorite thing we do each day; every student is benefiting from the experience.  We have begun to draw angles in preparation for our Form Drawings, and will be drawing on a daily basis.  We also explored square numbers by drawing dots in a square of 2, 3, 4, etc. and we will talk about them to lay some groundwork for our math block.

The old lady with the purple polka dot umbrella caught most of the students at least once this week.  The most frequent errors are punctuation marks for quotations and spelling homophones.  Revealing a sentence a day of a sometimes funny story is a great way to practice grammar and punctuation.

In painting this week we explored intensity and blending colors with a wet-on-wet watercolor painting.  

Just a reminder that Monday and Tuesday will be full days this week, and parent conferences will be Wednesday-Friday, making those three days half days with dismissal at 12:30.  Two people have signed up for conference times.  Don’t forget to sign up.  If you are not available for any of the times I have listed, contact me and we will find a time that will work for both of us.

Many thanks to Russell Hollister for sawing the stumps!  We are one step closer. 

Asher will be 10 on Tuesday.  Happy Birthday!!

Have a wonderful week, and enjoy this weather!!



Look what BJ and I did Saturday!  We are very close to having our space cleared. I am thrilled. If you want to help, text me and we can make that happen!!

Look what BJ and I did Saturday! We are very close to having our space cleared. I am thrilled. If you want to help, text me and we can make that happen!!

Many thanks to Russell Hollister for sawing the stumps!  We are one step closer.

Many thanks to Russell Hollister for sawing the stumps! We are one step closer.