Upper Grades: Feb 10 - 14

A merry adventure indeed!

Our play block was short and sweet this year with only two weeks to prepare for the performance, but we made good use of our time and accomplished the goals the curriculum intends and more. I am so proud of the class and how hard they worked to pull this production together.

Why is a class play part of the Waldorf curriculum? Pedagogical theater is an opportunity for students to participate in the dramatic arts, but it also gives the teacher a vehicle for expanding capacities in the class and in individual students. Our goal is not always artistic merit and a finely crafted production but rather to provide a rich and meaningful inner experience for the child that strengthens their development and abilities. We also use the play as a tool to highlight an aspect of the classroom curriculum. Performing a play about class struggle and the feudal system in proximity to our Middle Ages block allowed the students to really feel the content of our studies in a deeper way. And finally, our play block is also an opportunity for fun and connection! We had such a great time shifting out of our classroom rhythm and into the exuberance of performance. The students were strongly invested in the set and costumes and had opportunities to create and implement their visions and ideas. From my perspective, the days leading up to the play are some of the most stressful and taxing of the school year. Once I see their beautiful creation come alive, I shift perspective into one of awe and reverence for the power of pedagogical theater and then I'm ready to start selecting a script for next year's show! Thank you for sharing your children with me and for supporting our show! I hope they all enjoyed it as much as I did.

I have uploaded group photos and videos in this online album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/EUzf67JoHGRbPKkg8 . Please feel free to add any photos and videos of your own to the album. 

Enjoy the winter break!

Ki Molly