Joyful Beginnings: March 23 - 27

Dear parents,

Hopefully, by now you are all finding your own family rhythms for going through the day. For us teachers this week went so much smoother than last week. We had a parent Zoom session on Wednesday night with a few of our parents. We found the feedback from our parents very helpful and also enjoyed having some face time together and hearing how the children are doing at home.  We will be offering another zoom session this Wednesday (4/1) night at 8:30 p.m. and would love to meet you all there.

This week we talked about violets in Joyful Beginnings. If you go out into your yard, you will probably find some of those beautiful spring flowers between your plants.  There was also a mouse in the story of the week. So you may have seen a little mouse hiding behind the violets or between the leaves under the trees. If you have not had the possibility to listen to our violet story, you can find it in our Google classroom under Classwork for Week 2.

Now it is a very good time to get busy in your yard with your children. You can plant some seeds with the help of your children. They will enjoy watering the seeds and watching the new plants sprouting out from the soil and stretching their leaves towards the sun.  Please spend as much time outside as possible with your children to stay in the Garden School spirit.

We will reach out to individual families by phone next week between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Tuesday (3/31) and Thursday (4/2) to see how you are doing. If you have a preference please send us an email. 

Zoom details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 925 891 645

Password: 982891