Upper Grades: March 23 - 27

Last week felt like we settled into our rhythm with our live morning lessons. The students enjoy seeing each other and interacting, and I enjoy observing the classroom dynamics unfold in this new environment. I also like how the expectation to be up and ready for school each day sets a daily rhythm anchor point for my own household. I'm giving the class time at the end of our morning lesson to socialize, and it seems to be working well. I stay within earshot but remain off camera to give the students a more relaxed space for interacting with each other. I hope this is working for you and your student. Please let me know if any issues arise with this format. 

The first week of Cyber Civics had us investigate how technology throughout the ages has presented ways to both connect and disconnect humans. It was a fun way to review some of our ancient history with a look into Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece and how new technologies were viewed similarly to today. I'm hoping the interview format we used for a couple of the assignments functioned as connection points within your families as well. They also began learning touch typing and an introduction to coding. The assignments and content so far seem well-received from what I could tell. I welcome feedback from parents as well since the separation impedes me from being able to get as clear of a read on how things are going. This week's Cyber Civics lessons focus on digital citizenship and online conduct. 

Next week is spring break. I won't be assigning homework over the break.