Fourth & Fifth Grade: September 14 - 18

In the Norse tradition, we grew our World Tree, Yggdrasil, this week, and finished up the lengthy creation story.  Next week we will finish meeting the gods and goddesses.  Magnus Chase is now an einharji - a warrior of Valhalla - and is about to embark on a quest to find the Sword of Summer.  The really cool thing about this particular book is that all of the characters of Norse mythology are introduced and explained as Magnus' adventures begin.

We eased into our math review and will now begin to solve problems that primarily use division (keeping in mind that division is multiplication spelled backward, which is addition in groups).

Our music classes have been great so far.  We are so fortunate to have the ability to share a set of Orff instruments with the Emerson Congregation, and we are making great musical arrangements on them.  We aren't singing in class yet, nor playing recorders, but we can play percussion instruments, pitched and unpitched, and make beautiful music.  I am also exposing the students to a variety of musical genres through guided listening. 

This week we listened to Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint Saens, Bolero by Maurice Ravel, and Celtic music provided by the Celtibillies.  Several students asked about the titles.  Perhaps you could listen together and talk about instrumentation, what feeling is evoked, how the music compares to the movements of animals, etc.

This week we will finish up the Norse Myths.  I will be giving Calpurnia a "middle of the way" boost by letting the students listen to chapters 16-21 in class this week.  That leaves 7 chapters for them to complete during the Fall Break.

The weather is due for a change this week. Please be sure that your child dresses in layers.  Some of the mornings will be chilly. Warm tea would be a good option for one of the water bottles.  I plan to bring hot water in a large bottle so that we can resume our tea time, but the students will need to bring their own tea bag and non-breakable cup.  If anyone has a chiminea that they are not using, and would be willing to bring it for our use, a little heat in the mornings will be welcomed.

Happy Birthday to Amelia, who will be 11 on Monday!

I look forward to seeing you all during our Parent Curriculum night on Tuesday, September 22 at 6:30pm.

Don't forget that Friday is a 1/2 day, and next week is Fall Break.

As always, if you have concerns or questions, please feel free to get in touch.

