Joyful Beginnings: October 11 - 15

Dear Joyful Families:

This week brought with it a return of warmer weather and we were happy to enjoy it! 

We had many adventures on our walks through the forest. We collected unique treasures such as rocks, feathers, and, of course, mud! The children filled with joy as they listened to the squishing of mud beneath their boots. An ever fun game the children played this week was pretending to be stuck in the mud, only to jump out giggling wildly as we approached them to help! We also explored the beautiful autumnal hues of yellow and red through watercolor painting. The children became so focused and centered as they created their works of art. 

Next week we turn our focus towards Halloween, incorporating a few new circle songs, and a new puppet tale into our rhythm. We also begin collecting and assembling our “Old Mother Goose” themed scarecrow! We are excited to bring her to life with all your wonderful donations. A basket will be available every day at drop-off for your items. We will gather after drop-off on Wednesday the 20th and Thursday the 21st to assemble her. Please stay to help if you can!

A few reminders:

In gratitude,

Ki Jessica & Ki Gabby