Fourth & Fifth Grade: March 8 - 12

I have begun to look forward to Mondays.  We have started a series of watercolor paintings - sometimes using watercolor pencils, sometimes using water colors, entitled Spring.  Each week we discover something new that is green, or something new that has bloomed around the campus and we paint it.  My joy has been in watching for growth.  That is also the joy of teaching your students.  In the past several weeks there have been some pivotal moments for each of them in the learning process, an “aha!” Those are truly wonderful moments to watch.

We will be inside the building or at the picnic tables until our outdoor classroom is repaired, which I anticipate will be following our Spring Break.  And just a reminder….  for the 2 weeks following Spring Break the students will be at school and I will be at home zooming lessons with them while I am recuperating from my hip replacement surgery.

We took our time and slowly finished the drawings and recapitulation for Greek Mythology and will spend the rest of the time before Spring Break concentrating on a math review and an introduction to decimals.

Spring arrives this week!!

It’s the favorite time of the year for the Irish!

The earth is alive with beautiful colors!

Enjoy the outdoors!  Dance a jig (and one for me too).  Have a great week.

