Fourth & Fifth Grade: March 1 - 5

We spent most of the week talking about the Olympians, then we ended the week, and our Greek mythology block, with the story of Helen and the Trojan Horse. We will try to return briefly to Greece before the end of the school year to talk about several historical figures that helped shape the development of science and democracy. 

The class has almost finished learning the lengthy poem about the parts of speech, and their understanding of sentence structure and punctuation is improving. Thank you, “Caughtya”!  Fractions 2 is almost finished. This practice work will continue even as I introduce decimals in the next block. 

I still need items to add to the bowl for the auction. Please send items in by the end of the week. Otherwise, I will have to purchase them. Spa tools such as a gel eye pack, massage oils, manicure supplies, or bath salts are suggested. Thank you!

Have a great week. The forecast looks good for next week, but it isn’t Spring yet. Layer, layer, layer!

