Fourth & Fifth: May 17 - 21

We have had a good, but somewhat disjointed week.  At least one student was absent every day, and on three of those days, two students were absent. Rather than have those students who were absent miss new content in our Botany block, the explanation of the reproductive cycle of the plant will be given next week. 

Our seeds and bulbs continue to thrive, and the bulbs are now about 1½” tall.  There is one other monocot that has appeared from seed, but the students have not yet identified it.  They are documenting the growth of what they planted in their Botany Journals and will have a history of each plant's growth cycle.  As the plants grow and flowers appear, they will have the opportunity to watch the pollination process, and understand the importance of bees and butterflies.  This part of their experience will most likely happen at home after school is out.  They will be taking the planter home with them on the last day of school.

The first trip to the creek happened this week!  As you can see from the pictures, they had a great time.  We are still hoping for a trip to the wetlands area and another trip or two to the creek before the end of the school year.  It will feel good next week, since the temperatures are predicted to be in the 90s.

The students have been working on their second soap carving project this week.  They are working on a heart, a whale, a fish, and an owl.  They continued to work on their treasure boxes.  We will start putting things in the boxes on the Tuesday after Memorial Day.  

Be on the lookout for an invitation to an end-of-year assembly on the last day of school.  Our class, among other students, is being honored, and we want all of the parents to be there.

Have a wonderful week.

