Kindergarten River Otter: January 10 - 14

Osiyo, River Otter families,

Our class had so much fun working and playing in the forest this week!  We got to explore ice and watch it melt back into water. Students did a lot of chopping and sawing trees with sticks and even tried to get maple syrup from some of our trees. They built forts, and were birds and dragons. We also took a nature walk on Thursday, looked at the inside of the composter for observation, and took turns spinning our fresh compost. After visiting the farm, we played on a slide on a hill near the farm and took a closer look at the marsh from the boardwalk.

This week was our Golden Knights’ first week with Ki Ieva. The older students had a great time making knots, bows, and pom poms, taking a nature walk, and hearing a story.  During this time our younger students played together digging, building, and playing house. The students are all enjoying the opportunity to spend time with students they might not usually play with, and bond with their same age peers.

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Please send a small blanket with your child for rest time. We are resting outdoors whenever possible (and the students are resting so well in the cooler weather!), and a blanket helps them stay warm and cozy on the cooler days.

  • Don’t forget to check your child’s backpack each day to make sure they have a hat and mittens. Heavy coats are a must each day, as well as at least 2 layers of shirts and pants. Insulated boots such as snow boots are needed on days that are in the 30s or below. Students who are not wearing layers and do not have all of the needed cold weather gear have a much more difficult time playing, learning, interacting with others, eating, and feeling happy and comfortable.

Thank you so much for sharing your children with us, and for being part of our community.


Ki Holly