Fourth Grade: January 18 - 21

Dear Fourth Grade Parents,

We had a busy week at school. Our class heard stories from the Norse Myths of Freya, Frey, and Heimdall this past week. We practiced adding more details to sentences and using transition words as we wrote a funny summary about chickens. In Math, our focus continues with basic division tables, and we are now also practicing all four processes during morning math, including division equations with a remainder. In Handwork, the students are embroidering a handwork bag, and in Environmental Education, they focused on our natural senses evoking feelings and memories. 

This coming week, we will finish up our Norse Myth blocks, however, we will hear more of these myths throughout the year. We will focus on summary work, crafting a proper paragraph, and continue with spelling lessons. Please remember to help your child study over the weekend. Those who study at home show greater success and confidence on quiz day.  Developing good study habits now is the intent!  


  • Saturday, January 29th, is our open house for interested families.

  • Saturday, February 5th, is a community workday and our All School Meeting. Please join us!

With gratitude,
