Hello First Grade Families,
During our first week back from break we continued learning about the quality of numbers. We have now added the numbers 3 and 4 and we talked about all the 3's and 4's around us. Some of the examples of what the first graders discussed were that some homes have three siblings, tricycles have three wheels, and triangles have three points. With regard to the number 4, we talked about there being four seasons, four leaf clovers, four wheels to a car, and four points in a square. We also began talking about even vs. odd numbers and counting.
This week we will add the numbers 5, 6, and 7 along with exploring all the 5’s, 6’s, and 7’s around us. We will additionally continue discussing odd and even numbers along with counting through movement and activities.
It was good to have everyone back for a full week. The fall weather has made the mornings a little chilly but the students are enjoying all their lessons and activities. They seem to be enthusiastic and they continue to be eager to learn. I am looking forward to talking with each of you at Parent-Teacher conferences this week. Please remember school will be in session half days this Wednesday through Friday, with pick-up at 12:30.
Oct. 12-14 Early dismissal at 12:30; Parent-Teacher conferences
Oct. 22 Community Workday
Oct. 29 Kingdom of Halloween
With gratitude,