Kindergarten River Otters : November 29- December 2, 2022

Osiyo, River Otter families.

It was wonderful to see everyone after a week apart. This week the students were very busy and engaged in their play. This time of year children often naturally gravitate toward outdoor activities that keep them warm. There has continued to be a lot of digging and fort building. We have also trimmed branches, raked leaves, and carried firewood. The students kept moving by searching for dragons and sat near the fire and told each other stories. We all agreed our oatmeal is especially delicious on cold days. Next week students will have the opportunity to begin sawing branches and firewood. This is another activity that will use muscles and keep us warm! 

This Friday is our Winter Spiral. This is a beloved festival at The Garden School and across Waldorf schools and communities. This festival occurs near the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. The children silently and reverently walk the spiral with an unlit candle. They meet their teacher in the middle of the spiral to have their candle lit from a larger candle, and then place their candle on a star of their choosing on their silent walk out through the spiral. This touching ritual symbolizes each child giving their own special and unique light to the world, helping guide others in the dark. Families are welcome (and encouraged!) to watch their child’s class walk the spiral. Our walk will begin at 10:15 am. Please arrive with enough time to find a place at our spiral in the forest (signs will guide your way). Two-day students are invited to join us for the spiral; please meet us in our forest classroom at 10:00 if they will be joining us. They may also join us for cocoa after the spiral, and leave with their family directly following snack. The ingredients of the cocoa are: coconut milk, cocoa powder, sugar, salt, vanilla. If you would prefer your child not participate in the cocoa or bring their own, please let me know. 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Full day students should bring a warm blanket each day for rest time. We will continue to rest outdoors as it gets colder, and the blankets are needed. The students rest so well covered up in the cooler weather!

  • Next week (December 12-15) is our MUST Ministries toy drive. If you are interested in participating, please bring a new, unwrapped toy this week. We will collect them during pick up and drop off. A list of their most needed toys can be found here. You can also make a financial donation here (enter toy shops in the comment section).

  • Next Thursday, 12/15, is the last day of the semester and a HALF DAY for all students (12:30 dismissal). There is also an assembly put on by the grades classes at 12:00. Kindergarten parents are welcome and encouraged to attend and see some of the wonderful things the grades students have been learning. 

  • December 16-January 4 is semester break. January 5th is the first day of the spring semester!

Thank you for sharing your children with us, and for being part of our community.


Ki Holly