Kindergarten Turtles: March 7 - 11

Greetings Turtle Families!

This week the forest greeted us with puddles! Thankfully, due to the warmer temperatures, the students were able to splash and play in the water, creating ubiquitous opportunities for new adventures.  We noticed onion grasses sprouting from the ground and watched many birds visit our bird feeder. A flowering tree in the River Otter classroom has graced our forest floor with pretty white blooms that were happily collected and admired. Those who needed a break from the water and mud played together on basecamp.  A few students used all of the blocks to make a huge pathway that wound from one side of basecamp to the other.  They also played with our crocheted baby dolls and new baby blankets for swaddling (thank you, Ki Kim!).

Thank you in advance for your participation in our class auction project – a garden tic-tac-toe table! Next week your child will come home with a rock painting kit. In school, half the children will paint a rock yellow and the other half will paint a red rock. The rocks will then be sent home to be turned into lady bugs or bumble bees.  A bonus rock will be included to paint and keep at home while the lady bug or bumble bee should return to school 

Please mark your calendars for Grandfriends Tea on April 1st from 11:00-12:00.  The event will be held in our forest classroom and parents and grandparents or special friends are welcomed to join us for tea, cookies, and conversation! 


  • On wet and muddy days, please send a few extra pairs of socks and a change of shoes

  • Some students are still hungry after they have eaten their snack. Feel free to get in touch with me if you are wondering how much your child might need.  They have been engaging in some heavy work that is making them very hungry! 

  • Saturday, March 19th, is a Community Workday


Ki Amy