Joyful Beginnings: February 28 - March 4

Dear Joyful Families,

We welcomed spring a bit early in the Joyful Beginnings class. Last week we observed a quite rapid transition into warmer, brighter, longer days, and greeted them happily. We also began a new circle, filled with songs and verses about spring, as well as a sweet puppet story about a grumpy leprechaun who had misplaced his gold. The leprechaun goes searching all over the land for his gold, but is only met with disappointment when he cannot find it. The many animal friends he meets along the way try to cheer him up by offering bits of their gold. The rooster offers the golden sunshine he calls up in the morning, the cows offer some golden hay, and the birds offer bits of golden bread. 

This week, we look forward to beginning work on our class auction project. The children will be fashioning butterflies out of tufts of wool, which will be made into a beautiful springtime mobile. We will also be busy preparing for the arrival of St Patrick’s Day by focusing on appropriately themed art projects. Finally, since Lady Spring has decided to come prematurely, we’ve decided it’s time to do some gardening! 


  • As the weather warms up, please pack a sun hat every day for your child, and appropriate changes of clothes. 

  • March 19th our class is hosting the Community Work Day on campus. All families are encouraged to attend. Please keep your calendars cleared, and stay tuned for more information regarding this in the coming days.

  • No more soup day! As it gets warmer, we’ve decided it’s time to think of something else we can bring to the children. Please enjoy your veggies at home and we thank you all for your participation.

Thank you for another beautiful week! 

In gratitude,

Ki Jessica, Ki Gabby, Ki Ieva