Kindergarten Beavers: May 9 - 13

Greetings Dear Beaver Families,

Beaver class enjoyed a beautiful, warm week filled with fun activities and special happenings. On Tuesday, we celebrated our dear Glen’s fifth birthday! We enjoyed hearing stories for each year of his life and sharing birthday wishes. We also got to see the first grade play which was a great joy and caused a lot of laughter as the students got to see giants being knocked over by boulders and trees. We had creekcess two days in a row which is always one of our favorite parts of the day. We found little shells, built small bowls with the blue clay discovered on the shoreline, large sand castles, lakes and canals- the children get very creative in the sand! We ended our week with more laughter as we watched the fourth grade Norse Myth play with Thor, the God of Thunder, reluctantly dressed up as a beautiful bride to be presented to a giant for marriage. 

We had a very magical moment during lunch last week as well. The previous week we were sharing about birds and how each of them have their own song and call. We did an impression of the mourning dove and asked if anyone had heard it. Some children recognized it and some did not. While we were having lunch this past week, a mourning dove perched so close to us and cooed, then flew away. We had never seen a mourning dove in our part of the forest before, and it was very special. 


  • Wednesday is field day! We will spend time in the creek and have fun water games and activities set up for the children.  Please be sure the children come prepared.

  • Friday is the last day of school and will be a full day. 

Thank you for all that you do and sharing your precious joy with us. 


Ki Fatima