Sixth Grade: October 17 - 20, 2023

Dear Sixth Grade Families,

First and foremost, thank you all for volunteering and helping to successfully run the soup booth, as well as supporting our Sixth Grade class in their fundraising efforts! The students were successful in their efforts to host the bake sale booth as they worked with customers, served goods, and accepted payment with growing confidence during their shifts.  It was a valuable life experience, and one that future Sixth Grade classes are sure to undertake. The Kingdom of Halloween itself was such a wonderful success, and we sincerely hope that everyone enjoyed their time at the festival. 

Last week, the class focused primarily on preparing for the Kingdom of Halloween fundraiser, Marketing and Advertising, calculating potential profits, and hands-on practice working with a cash box. The class made print advertisements and tried their hand at direct marketing by handing out flyers at carpool. 

The class calculated the average cost of ingredients for their apple pies, which led to a conversation about markup and potential profits. This helped the class to determine the retail price for their pies. The students also discussed expenses and the creation of an Expense Report for their Pastry Garden Booth. These expenses included the money they spent to purchase a spot in last week’s Garden Messenger, print out advertisements, and the Booth Fee.

On Thursday and Friday, Ki Sara joined the class for some practice with setting up and running a cash box. This helped the students to build confidence in mental math by adding up prices and counting back change. This week, the class will count the Bake Sale cash box and compute their profits!

Announcements and Reminders:

  • The autumn weather is here. Layering clothing is essential for students to be comfortable throughout the day.

  • Please label clothing!

  • Send two full water bottles and bug spray daily.

Upcoming Events:

  • 11/1: NO SCHOOL: Teacher in-service

  • 11/1: Joyful Beginnings and Kindergarten Parent Night: 6 pm - 7 pm

  • 11/7: Kindergarten Lantern Walk: 6 pm

  • 11/7: Grades 1-3 Lantern Walk: 6:30 pm *Please note new date for grades

  • 11/17: Thanksgiving Luncheon 11 am: Half Day

With gratitude,
