First Grade: October 30 - November 3, 2023

Hello, First Grade Families,

We are in the midst of our fourth block and are moving through the remainder of our consonants. To accompany our letters, the children will hear the stories Laughing Eye, Seven Swans, Chair in the Water, and King Thrushbeard. While we have not yet moved into writing words as part of our curriculum, the children are excited to write and have begun asking for the opportunity to label items in and around our classroom. They are also creating signs for imaginary play. Some of the students have begun “growing a farm” in their playtime using the seeds collected from items in their lunches, and every day they ask to use paper so they can label their plants. It is a joy to watch the children so eager to begin writing and organically incorporate it into their games.  Allowing children time to play, focusing on developing their skills creatively, including those skills taught in our many specialty classes, gives rise to students who are excited and eager to do and learn. It is the gift of time, the gift of an extended childhood, that helps build students who are intrinsically motivated to learn and who, in turn, become lifelong learners. 

Because of the unpredictability of Georgia weather, we will be utilizing both our indoor and outdoor classrooms in the coming weeks. When the weather is very cold, please continue to dress your child for the outdoors. Morning Circle will remain outdoors most days, however, we will often move indoors for the Main Lesson. Please dress your children appropriately in layers with labeled warm coats, hats, gloves, and shoes. 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Please join us for the Lantern Walk TONIGHT at 6:30 pm (the story will begin promptly at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary). At the end of the walk, your child will return the electric candle and take their lantern home to keep. If you are unable to attend the walk, lanterns will be sent home the next day your child attends school.

  • The autumn weather is here. Layering clothing is essential for students to be comfortable throughout the day.

  • Please label clothing!

  • Send two full water bottles daily. 

Upcoming Events:

  • 11/07: Kindergarten Lantern Walk: 6 pm

  • 11/07: Grades 1 - 3 Lantern Walk: 6:30 pm 

  • 11/17: Thanksgiving Luncheon 11 am - Half Day

  • 11/20 - 24: Thanksgiving Break (No School)

  • 12/02: Open House: 10 am - 12 pm

Warm regards, 
