Second Grade: February 13 - 17

Dear Second Grade Families,

Happy Tuesday! Last week, we wrapped up our current English Language Arts block. During this block, we focused on complex spellings, vowel pairings, and word endings, and we also introduced action words, otherwise known as verbs. Students discussed different things humans can do and various things animals can do. We took a tour of our school and observed a variety of actions we can do in the kitchen, the farm, and our classroom! 

When we return from break, we will begin our next math block. This block will continue our work with place value, times table patterns, and the four operations. During this block, students will enjoy hearing fables and stories from the Jataka Tales.

It was wonderful to meet and talk together during our parent-teacher conferences.  Sharing your children’s progress and viewing their work is always inspiring!  

Have a wonderful mid-winter break. Please remember, school resumes on Tuesday, February 28th.


2/20-2/24: Mid-Winter Break (No School) 

2/27:  Teacher In-Service (No School) 

3/11: Community Work Day 

3/31 Half Day - Grandfriend’s Tea 

4/3-4/7 Spring Break (No School) 

Warm regards,
