Kindergarten Beavers: March 13-17, 2023

Greetings Dear Families,

Last week in the forest, King Winter returned, sweeping chilly breezes through our forest and covering our table tops with ice crystals. Some of the children even started singing Christmas songs again! We thought our bonfire days were over for the school year, but we had (possibly) one last bonfire and the children readily worked together dragging large pine branches to feed our fire. Although it still felt very much like winter last week, some of the children worked together to make a second spring-themed nature table on our platform. They found a large block of wood, covered it with a yellow silk, and we placed a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the center along with a few other spring-themed decorations. The flowers had frequent visits from wooly butterflies the children crafted, as they “drank” nectar from the flowers and took a nap among them. 

In the theme of Saint Patrick’s day, we shared a story about a very grumpy leprechaun. Although he was so small, his footsteps were loud as he stomped on the ground with his hands in tight fists. He was so grumpy that everyone would flee from him. The leprechaun scowled as soon as he woke up one morning. Every year, at this time the leprechauns grab their bags and go in search of gold. Well, this leprechaun was down on his luck and would always return home with an empty sack. But this year, something changed in him. He heard a bird song and his heart softened, and suddenly his luck began to change. In the end, he discovered more gold than all the leprechauns combined! But much to their surprise, he divided it among them all so each went home happy, with a sack full of gold. 

Announcement and Reminders

3/31 Half Day - Grandfriend’s Tea (11:00-12:00)

4/3-4/7 Spring Break (No School) 

4/28 Annual Fundraiser - Half Day

4/29 Community Work Day (Beavers class is hosting)

* Please RSVP to your child’s teacher the number of guests, and their names, that will be attending the Grandfriends Tea on March 31st. Click here to email  Ki Fatima.

As always, thank you for all that you do and for sharing your precious child with us.

Peace and Light,

Ki Fatima