Mountaingarten: November 26- 30

This past week has been a new fresh start for the children, as we have changed the schedule to ensure that the children are getting enough outside time. The children were able to run and play freely in the forest. The children jumped into mud, made fairy houses and forts, and used imaginative play with the rocks. 

With the class being outside during the snack we will be making most of the snacks on our campfire. On Thursday the children were able to eat potatoes made on the camp fire, and Friday the children were treated to pizza from over the camp fire. 

Friday the class had show and tell, and almost every student brought an item or told a story. A couple of the items include a T-Rex made of rock that was originally make in Pakistan, a first tooth, a turkey project, and a yoga bowl. 


This upcoming Friday we will have our assembly, and it will be half day. Per usual, dismissal will be outside, weather permitting.  

Teachers are asking to have assistance on Monday mornings at 7:30 for set up and Fridays at 3:00 pm for take down. 

Thank you, 

Ki Aja and Ki Fatima