First Grade: March 2 - 6

Hello first grade families,

This past week we worked on the letters B and V. They were then introduced to the letter E which will be the last vowel for our class to go over. The students heard the story of the Boy and the Violin and The Enchanted Head. 

We were all able to get back into the rhythm of doing our language arts activities where we work independently as well as with friends. Each child was able to work independently and really focused on the work in front of them. Their ability to hold the crayon correctly, stand nice and tall, and follow the directions has come very far throughout the year. 

Next week we will continue with the letter E and start back with our letter stations. The children should continue to bring their sight words every Wednesday. I will be adding in more words as the end of the semester continues to progress. 


If you are looking for volunteering hours we are looking for someone every Friday to pack up the kitchen from 2-3. If you have any questions feel free to email me. 

We are looking for parent volunteers for the Springtide. If you are interested in volunteering please keep an eye out for the sign up genius that will be on the Facebook page this upcoming week. 

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the rainy weather. 

Thank you,

Ki Aja