Joyful Beginnings: April 11 - April 15

Dear Joyful Families

We had another beautiful week in the Joyful Beginnings class. We’ve been enjoying observing all of the many plants in bloom this week, as the forest becomes more lush by the day. Our sunflowers and zinnias sprouted last week, and this week we look forward to transplanting them into some bigger pots. We also did some practical work in the forest last week. The children helped to shave our crayons to help keep them looking nice. The children very much enjoyed engaging in this type of work, and some shaved crayons for quite a long time! 

We enjoyed our new springtime circle last week, as well as our mama bird story. The story is about a mama bird who is busily building a strong and warm nest for her babies. A little chick pips out of its shell, and mama bird flies all around looking for sweet food to bring to her baby. After the baby is nice and full, she falls asleep and mama bird tucks her in and sings a lullaby. Then the night sky covers them both like a blanket and they drift off to sleep. Protection stories like this one are so beneficial to children of nursery age. It helps to reinforce that everything will be okay, and that mama (or papa) is there to protect and care for them. There are several gestures of protection within the story that help to fortify the children’s sense of well being. It is a very tender and well-received story in our class.

This week we look forward to tending to our growing flowers further, as well as settling into our springtime circle and story. 

Have a wonderful week!


  • Please pack hats for your children, and extra changes of clothes

  • Please purchase indoor slippers for your child with a rubber sole if you have not already done so this year. The children are growing out of the school issued slippers.

  • Our Auction is this FRIDAY, April 22! Please plan on attending as participation in our community is paramount! There will be many lovely items to bid on too!  As a reminder: it is an adults only event.

  • Saturday, April 23, is a Community workday.

  • Friday, May 6, is a half-day.

In gratitude,

Ki Jessica, Ki Gabby, Ki Ieva