Kindergarten Beavers: April 11 - April 15

Greetings Dear Beaver Families,

We enjoyed some lovely Spring weather last week. The forest was buzzing with activity and there was a lot of excitement as we spotted caterpillars crawling around our platform and trees. On Wednesday, we took a nature walk and sat by the pond for story time. There were two geese nearby who kept inching closer to us as if listening in. 

Thank you all for participating in our felted class auction project. The finished product looks beautiful and we were able to enjoy it hanging in our classroom over the course of the week. The children had fun finding their flowers on the piece and observing all the different shapes and colors. 

We shared a Spring story about a mama bird who worked with great love and care to build a fine nest for her chicks, she searched for the most perfect twigs and decorated her nest with pieces of colorful yarn. Finally, she laid three eggs. When the eggs showed their first signs of hatching, mama bird quickly went to gather food. Upon returning to her nest, she found two of the eggs had hatched but the third egg was no longer. She fed the newly hatched chicks and then searched far and wide for the third. Finally, she came upon a giant rock with a boa constrictor sitting in front of it. She panicked and flew behind the rock where she found pieces of broken egg shells. She wept because she thought the snake had eaten her young, but when she heard a chirping, she turned around and found her third chick was right behind her. The chick had such a strong beak, as it was trying to hatch, it fell out of its nest, fell down the tree, rolled down the hill, and tumbled across the forest floor until it bumped into the large rock and hatched. The baby bird explained that the snake said she would stand guard until her mama came and sure enough she did. Mama bird thanked the boa constrictor and together mama and baby flew back to their nest. 


  • Our School Auction is this Friday! Please join us for a beautiful event showcasing all the beautiful projects our classes and families have been working on.  As a reminder: it is an adults only event.

  • The following Saturday, April 23 is a Community workday. Our Beavers class is hosting this work day so please plan on attending.

  • Friday, May 6 is a half-day.

  • I will be observing at the Waldorf School of Atlanta next week as part of my teacher training. Ki Amy and Ki Kim will be taking care of our class that week. 

Thank you for all that you do!


Ki Fatima