Hello First Grade families,
This past week we shared more about the Prince and his journey of becoming a good king. In our story, we came upon a deep valley surrounded by gigantic trees and we also met a swan. The valley introduced the letter “V,” the trees introduced the letter “T,” and the swan introduced the letter “S.” As we have with each of the letters we have learned so far, we turned the new letters into colorful drawings. Bringing the stories to life in this pictorial way helps us take the letter and its sound more deeply into our memory and gives it more liveliness as well.
This week we will continue our adventures with the Prince. We will meet new characters and obstacles that will continue to help us introduce new letters and sounds. Please ask your child about them at home too! We will also continue to practice writing our letters and connecting the letters and their sounds to words throughout our week.
Finally, in music class, students have begun to learn how to play a penny whistle! They are enjoying learning the names of notes and how to play new songs. Penny whistles will need to come to school every Monday and Wednesday for music class. Thank you for your help with this!
Thank you for joining me for Parent Night last week. I enjoyed seeing those of you who were able to be there on Wednesday and hope you will feel free to let me know of any questions that weren't answered.
Saturday, September 17th–5th grade is hosting our Community Workday from 9:00-12:00.
Friday, September 23rd–Half-day, 12:30 dismissal
September 26 - 30th–Fall Break (no school)
October 3rd–Teacher Workday (NO SCHOOL)
October 12-14th–Half day, 12:30 dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences