First Grade: November 27 - December 3, 2023

Hello, First Grade Families,

We have penny whistles! The First Grade class is excited to learn their new instruments. The children love playing their instruments each afternoon in our forest classroom. Beginning next semester, we will incorporate penny whistles into our morning circle. Your child may leave their instrument at school or take them home each night. I will have a place for the children to store their instruments in the room. The children will use their school instruments with Ki Ben on Mondays and Fridays. 

This week, we will conclude our study of the consonants as we hear the story The Fisherman’s Wife, which will accompany the letters T, F, Y, and Z. Our letter study will resume in late January with our introduction of the vowels. As we learn the vowels, students will begin lessons that support reading as they practice reading and writing CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words. 

Next week, we will begin our second math block and introduce the four mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The students are excited about the return of our numbers. They are especially excited about the many games they enjoy playing during our math blocks.

This week, we will also hold our Winter Spiral on Thursday. Walking the spiral with a lighted candle is symbolic of each of us sharing our light with the world and how together we can help guide each other through the dark. Our walk will begin promptly at 10:20 a.m. in the sanctuary. Families are welcome to watch their child’s class walk the spiral. Thursday is also Rémy’s seventh birthday, which we will celebrate on Friday afternoon. 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Help us support Tweens and Teens this year for the MUST Ministries Toy Drive. Please see the Main Message in the Garden Messanger for more information.

  • The winter weather is coming, and it is much cooler in the forest! Please dress your student(s) in layers.  Winter coats and rain gear are required every day.

  • We need Greenery for the Winter Spiral on Thursday. Please consider asking for extra clipping from tree lots or donating trimmings from pruned evergreens in your yard. Greenery can be left alongside the fence in the field area.  Thank you! 

Upcoming Events:

  • 12/07 Grades 1st - 5th Winter Spiral 

  • 12/08 Kindergarten Winter Spiral

  • 12/20 Grades Assembly - 12:00 p.m. & Last Day of Fall Semester - Half Day

  • 12/21 Teacher In-Service (No School)

  • 12/22 - 01/03 Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/04 First day of Spring Semester

Warm regards,
