First Grade: January 29 - February 2, 2024

Hello, First Grade Families,

Thank you for attending the All School Meeting on Saturday. It was nice to come together as a community, enjoy the beautiful day,  and support our school. 

Last week, the weather finally began to show the first signs of Spring. Near the farm, daffodils are in bloom, and insects seem to be emerging from every corner of the forest. The children are particularly excited to see the forest creatures return as it has allowed them to resume a favorite game from autumn, Bug Hotel. Each day during playtime, a group of students circles a large tree and builds rooms, playgrounds, and even a hospital wing for the insects to enjoy. It is a joy to watch the children so immersed in their world of play. 

Last week we completed our introduction to the vowels, and the students have begun to read and write short words and sentences. The children are so excited to begin writing, and they are so proud of their new skills. There are many benefits gained when children wait for something, whether it is tangible or intangible. The will development achieved and the increased enthusiasm they feel when the time (finally) arrives are the ideal rewards. Our current read-aloud is A Bear Called Paddington, and it is wonderful to hear the children ask for just “One more page!” because they are enjoying the story so much.

This week, we will continue to practice reading and writing as we conclude our Language Block. On Wednesday, we will go on a scavenger hunt around the school to find something to represent each letter of the alphabet. We will also hear the stories of The Three Musicians of Bremen and The Giant with no Heart. 

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Thursday is HALF-DAY DISMISSAL (12:15 - 12:30).

  • Teacher Conferences are this February 8th and 9th. Please sign up for your child’s conference here. 

  • As has been our tradition at The Garden School, instead of sending cards from home on Valentine's Day, please save all card and gift exchanges for off-campus playdates.

Upcoming Events:

  • 2/8 Half Day - Parent Conferences

  • 2/9 No School - Parent Conferences

  • 2/19-2/23- Mid-Winter Break (No School)

  • 2/26- Teacher Inservice (No School)

Warm regards,
