First Grade: January 21 - 24

Hello first grade families! 

This past week we started the class by walking through the journeys of Pixie Plus. We listened to how she overcame obstacles through the use of math and addied on to help others. On Wednesday and Thursday, the children brought their sight words back into class and switched them with the other students. You may choose to work on it at home with your child, or you may choose not to. That decision is up to you and your child. 

We have started a new tradition in the classroom that started the beginning of the new semester. Each week we are trying a new tea. A lot of the children have taken to this and enjoy drinking different types of tea. If you know of a certain type of tea your child likes I will be happy to get it so that we can share it with the class. 

As a reminder we will still be going outside, even if it is raining. Please ensure that your child has the following:

1. rain gear 

2. boots

3. change of clothes (including socks)

Thank you,

Ki Aja