First Grade: November 15 - 19

Hello First Grade families!

I hope you are enjoying a peaceful week with your loved ones. Last week, we began our second language arts block. The vowels were introduced and brought to life through several fairy tales and stories. Students have been working on writing and reading consonant-vowel-consonant words with their newly discovered letters. 

During Environmental Education with Ki Rachel last week, students learned all about a local inhabitant of our forest, the river otter! The children learned how river otters love to play and slide and built shelters similar to those that river otters occupy.

Students finished knitting pocket necklaces in Handwork last week. They were delighted by a sweet surprise; our fourth-grade friends made gnome dolls for each first grader! The gnomes rest perfectly in the pocket necklaces and have been keeping us joyful company this past week.

Lastly, Ki Rachel has set up cubbies for us in our forest cottage. If you would like to have your students leave items at the school (extra dry clothes, rain boots, sneakers, etc.) to ease your morning packing routine, please feel free. This is not required but is an option for those looking to lighten their backpack load. 

Safe travels and well wishes to you all during this week away from school!


  • Please join us Thursday morning at 10:30 for our class’s Winter Spiral. Families are invited to join us in the pine forest, across from our outside classroom, to watch their child and classmates walk our lovely candlelit spiral as they carry light into the world and share that light with others.

  • Dress warm each day! Layers, gloves, and wool socks all help us keep warm and support learning in our outdoor environment. Hot drinks in a thermos are welcome.

Warm Regards,

Ki Hayley