Dear First Grade families,
Happy Monday! This Wednesday is our grades Lantern Walk which celebrates the holiday Martinmas in Waldorf tradition. Students have been learning new songs in music class for the event, and loved painting and assembling their lanterns! This celebration serves to brighten our days as the weather turns colder, to remind us of our shared humanity, and to show children their role as a spark of light in the world! Martinmas celebrates St. Martin, who is known for giving to those in need and spreading warmth. To honor this, the Garden School will host a coat drive during the Lantern Walk. 1st grade’s walk will begin promptly at 6:30 pm. The students will be able to find their lanterns upon arrival. I am looking forward to sharing this class event with you!
Last week, we worked with the four math processes in class. We brought these to life with stories of four gnomes and gems: divide is a kind gnome who loves to share and split everything equally, multiply likes to make much more, plus keeps whatever they find and puts it all together, and poor minus is sad because they are always losing things. We will continue to practice these processes next week, and will introduce a fifth gnome called equals.
Additionally, students learned about habitats during environmental education with Ki Rachel this week. They built their own dams and were hoping to get some beaver visitors!
During our lantern walk, please refrain from bringing any additional lighting (tealight candles will be provided) and dress warmly.
Coats can be donated all week during carpool as well as brought to the Lantern Walk evening.
See you Wednesday!
Warm regards,
Ki Hayley